
Standard Con 29 search fee

For a standard Con 29 search  - £151.20*

Payment can be made by BACS, cheque or credit/debit card.

If you need more information or advice about payment methods send a message using our online contact form: Contact Land Charges or telephone 01983 821000 and ask for Local Land Charges.

If paying by cheque send all relevant paperwork together with the relevant payment. 

Local Land Charges Section
County Hall
Isle of Wight
PO30 1UD

Additional fees

Optional enquiries (Con 29O) - £13.80* each.

There is no charge for Optional Enquiry 8 Pipelines as we do not have access to this information.

All requests for maps and plant location information must now be submitted through an online service.

Please visit SGN for safety information and Line search before u dig where you can register for their online service and view their gas pipe locations.

Further information

*Prices include 20% VAT

Cancellation policy

On the receipt of a request to cancel a search and a request for a refund, the cost is worked out by taking the amount paid and dividing it amongst the number of answering departments. All completed answers will then be charged for, alongside a fee of £11.00 including VAT, to cover the costs of processing the refund.

Data access

Document copies

Copies of legal agreements can be obtained from the legal department

Tel: 01983 821000 and ask for legal

Copies of planning permissions can be obtained from the planning department

Historic planning reference maps are available online.