Supplementary Planning Documents

What are SPDs used for?

Supplementary planning documents (SPDs) add more detail to the policies in the Local Plan.

They can be used to provide further guidance for development on specific sites or on particular issues, such as design.

SPDs can be a material consideration in planning decisions. They are not part of the development plan. We have adopted the following SPDs by general theme of the document.

Current live consultations on documents that add more detail to the policies in the local plan.

Health Contributions SPD

The council adopted the Health Contributions SPD on 9 May 2024 and it came into force on 23 May 2024.

The Health Contributions SPD outlines how the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Integrated Care Board (ICB) decide what improvements to health infrastructure may be needed in particular areas of the Island. These improvements would be for infrastructure only (e.g. new or extended health premises) and not health services (e.g. more GPs).

The document sets out how the ICB will use evidence relating to the following to calculate whether contributions are required:

  • the capacity of existing health facilities in an area
  • current patient list sizes
  • size and space standards for new health facilities
  • the cost of building new health facilities

The SPD then identifies how the amount of money a developer may have to pay towards these improvements is worked out and also what size of new development may have to pay.

An adoption statement has been prepared, together with a summary of comments and Equalities Impact Assessment.


The council adopted the Sustainable Drainage Systems SPD on 9 May 2024, and it came into force on 23 May 2024.

The SPD outlines the design principles required to deliver SuDS on the Isle of Wight. It provides advice on including SuDS within any new development.

This guidance is for practical use by those looking to develop at any scale. It is also for designers of surface water drainage systems.

The guide is relevant to all those involved in the new development, whether in:

  • master planning
  • design
  • approval
  • construction
  • maintenance

 It can be used by anyone looking to find out more about SuDS.

The SPD is intended to assist developers and property owners to deliver SuDS which:

  • prevent and reduce surface water flooding
  • have clear responsibilities for future maintenance and management
  • are appropriate to the island, its geology and hydrology
  • deliver social, environmental and financial benefits
  • aim to meet a range of sustainability and place-making objectives

The SPD is supported by the following Appendices:

An adoption statement has been prepared, together with a summary of comments and Equalities Impact Assessment.

As a guide, the Council will generally seek detailed drainage comments from the Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA) for all major development and major pre-applications. Minor development is expected follow the SuDS hierarchy set out in the SPD and refer to the standing advice within the document.

Contributions-related SPDs

These SPDs provide further detail to the adopted policies of the Island Plan Core Strategy that seek contributions from new development.

Affordable housing contributions SPD

The SPD sets out when we, as part of the planning process, will ask developers to provide financial contributions towards affordable housing and how much the contributions will be expected to be.  The principle of this is already set out in the Island Plan Core Strategy.

Most new residential development will be expected to make a  financial  contribution  towards affordable housing. Larger sites will be required to provide a percentage of on-site affordable housing.

The affordable housing contributions SPD and came into force in March 2017. This followed consultation on the draft document between January and February 2017.

It replaces the previous version adopted in 2015. Original supporting statements and assessments were used as it was the mechanism for collecting contributions that was changed, rather than the principles.

Children's services facilities contribution SPD

The SPD sets out when we, as part of the planning process, will ask developers to provide a financial contribution towards education facilities that are required as a result of new housing being built. The principle of this is already set out in the Island Plan Core Strategy.

Most new residential development of over ten units will be required to make a contribution. Some types of residential development will be excluded, for example housing for older people or one bedroom dwellings, as they are unlikely to have an impact on education facilities.

For all other types of residential development where there will be an impact on existing schools and other facilities, the SPD sets out how much should be paid for each new dwelling. In some cases a new facility may be required. This document establishes our minimum expectations of what developers will need to provide.

The Children's Services Financial Contributions Supplementary Planning Document (CSFCSPD) was adopted and came into force in May 2014. This followed consultation on the draft document between February and April 2014.

Newport and Ryde Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) SPD

The Newport and Ryde Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) was formally adopted as an SPD by the council on 21 June 2023 following a period of consultation during March and April 2023. An adoption statement has also been prepared.

The Newport and Ryde Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) was first prepared during 2019 in close consultation with the local community and a range of key stakeholders including Ryde Town Council, Newport and Carisbrooke Community Council, Island Roads and cycling and walking forums Sustrans, CycleWight and Isle of Wight Ramblers.

The document identifies cycling and walking improvements required at the local level in Newport and Ryde that will help deliver a long-term approach to developing local cycling and walking networks.

Guidelines for new development SPDs

These SPDs provide further information relating to what we, as the local planning authority, would expect to see from new development. They provide the basis for negotiation, should it be necessary.


Adoption date/ implementation date
Adoption statement
Guidelines for parking provision as part of new developments SPD
12 January 2017/
23 January 2017
Guidelines for parking provision as part of new developments SPD adoption statement
Guidelines for recycling and refuse storage in new developments SPD 12 January 2017/
23 January 2017
Guidelines for recycling and refuse storage in new developments adoption statement
Newport and Ryde Commercial Frontages Design Guide SPD
10 November 2022/
22 November 2022
Newport and Ryde Commercial Frontages Design Guide SPD adoption statement
Housing Affordability SPD14 September 2023 / 26 September 2023Housing affordability adoption statement