Help with money worries
Emergency help with money and paying bills
If you are in genuine hardship and quickly need help with food, gas and electricity in an emergency, contact Help Through Crisis
Isle of Wight support with money worries
- Money Advice Team, Citizens Advice
01983 823898 ext. 2825 - Action 4 Support, West Wight
You must be referred from a family liaison officer, health visitor or head teacher in the West Wight to use this service. - Isle of Wight Age UK
01983 525282
For Islanders aged 50+ - Living Well and Early Help, Isle of Wight
01983 240732
Other financial support
Support for veterans
Veterans and their dependents may be able to access an Everyday Needs Grant from the Royal British Legion
Any Islander who is aged 19 or over and does not have maths GCSE at grade c or above can take part in free training courses. Multiply is a new programme to help adults improve their maths skills with free courses. The training could lead you on the first steps towards gaining a maths qualification or help you use maths to manage your household budget.
Money Helper
Get free and impartial advice about money from the government backed website MoneyHelper
Cost of living support
- Money saving ideas and information about the cost of living on the BBC website
- Money Saving Expert
Help to Save
Help to Save is the government savings scheme for low-income earners, which offers a 50% bonus payment worth up to £1,200 over four years. Savers can deposit between £1 and £50 a month into their account and will receive a government bonus– even if money has been withdrawn. Savers will earn a 50p bonus for every £1 saved. The bonus payments are paid in the second and fourth years.
Travel to the mainland for medical appointments
Get information about discounted travel to the mainland from the ferry companies.