Help with your bills

Paying your rent and mortgage

Citizens Advice  have information about dealing with debt including rent and mortgage arrears.

You can also contact the Money Advice Team  at Isle of Wight Citizens Advice. 

Help with exceptional housing costs for vulnerable households is available as part of the Household Support Fund funded by the Department for Work and Pensions. Get more information about who is eligible and how to apply for funding on the Household Support fund

Local council tax support and housing benefit

Get more information about local council tax support and housing benefit. If you need information urgently, please call us on 01983 823950.

If you are struggling to pay your council tax, or have received a reminder notice or summons get more information on the Isle of Wight Council website or call us on 01983 823901

Help with your water bill

You may be able to get help with your water bill if any of the following apply to you

  • Your household income is low
  • Someone in your home gets a means-tested benefit
  • You’ve got three or more children under 19 living at home
  • Someone living with you needs more water because of a medical condition
  • You have not made a payment to Southern Water for a while

Find out more and apply on the Southern Water website

Help with phone and broadband costs

A social tariff can help if you are struggling to pay mobile and broadband bills. They are available on the Isle of Wight. 
You could save around £180 a year on a social tariff for broadband and phones if you are on a low income.
Find out if you qualify for a social tariff

Help with childcare costs

Support with childcare costs is available. Please make sure you are claiming everything you are eligible for. 

  • You can get free childcare if your child is aged between 2 and 4
  • You can get help with childcare costs if your child is under 16 (or under 17 and disabled)

Check if you are eligible for up to 30 free hours of childcare a week and Tax-Free Childcare for each child on the government website.