Current closures

  • Take care when using the off road rights of way network during and after bad weather.
  • There may be unreported incidences of things like fallen trees, gullied out surfaces and bridges washed out of alignment.
  • Report any safety problems you come across by email To help us find the site please include:
    • a precise location - use what3words to plot the location
    • a photo if possible

Roadworks map: A map showing the Island roadworks and closures (which includes right of way closures) can be found on the Islands Roads website select Roadworks from their top blue info bar and the roadworks map can be seen from this page, you can move around the map or put in an address to find that location you want to look at.

How to temporarily close a public right of way

If you wish to apply to temporarily close a public right of way in order to undertake works on or near the path you will need to contact the Public Rights of Way service to discuss the closure.  Please contact the service by email: or if it is an immediate emergency due to unforeseen safety reasons call 01983 821000 (9am to 5pm weekdays). 

There is a process to follow which will includes:

  • completing a formal application form
  • payment of a fee
  • you or your contractor will need to install and maintain the on site notices, closure signs and  / or barriers for the duration of the works

The Tennyson Trail - Byways permanently closed to motor vehicles

This is a series of Byways that are permanently closed to vehicles from Carisbrooke to Freshwater Bay (Public Byways N123, N128, N136A, N139, BS4, BS10, BS44, S26, BS53, F33).  They are permanently closed to vehicles pursuant to The Isle of Wight Council (Tennyson Trail, IW (Prohibition of Driving) Order No 1 2006.)   View a map of the closed route - Tennyson Trail, Byways (PDF, 3.47MB, 1page).

Permit scheme for blue badge holders

A permit scheme is available to blue badge holders, licensed hackney carriages (taxis) and community vehicles between 1 April and 30 September annually. 

Application Process

For further information or guidance please contact Public Rights of Way by completing the online send a message to service form, alternatively find our contact details in the 'Contact' section. 

Annual winter Byway closure (motor vehicles) 2024/25 

The Isle of Wight closes its unsealed rural byway network over winter, to leisure motor vehicle, this is to try and protect the surfaces from damage.

The closure has come into force from 7 October 2024, and it is normally needed for about 6 months over the wet winter season.  The closure is lifted in about April when we start to have dry weather, and the surfaces are drying out. 

The closure does not impact walkers, horse riders or cyclists or anyone with a lawful right to drive to their land or property accessed of one of the closed byways.

The locations are


A25 (Great East Standen Lane) between its junctions with Burnt House Lane and Byway A28.

A28 (St George’s Down) between its junctions with Arreton Cross and approximately the entrance into Newport Golf Club off St Georges Lane.


BB37 (Peacock Hill) between its junction with the B3395 Sandown / Bembridge Road to a point approx 400 metres south of Hillway Road


B13 (Galleyhorn Lane) between its junction with Byway B14 to its junction with Byway R63 (Attrills Lane)

B14 (Galleyhorn Lane) between its junction with Byway B15 / B15A to its junction with Byway B13

B21 (Ricketts Hill) between its junction with West Lane to its junction with Rowborough Lane

B33 (Kern) between its junction with Kern Lane to its junction with Brading Down Road

B35 between its junctions with Kern Lane and Byway NC45A


BS76 (Hulverstone Lane) between its junction with Military Road to a point approx 110 metres south of Brighstone Road

BS86 between its junction with Byway BS89 to its junction with Dunsbury Farm Lane.

BS89 between its junction with Byway F55 to its junction with Byway BS53

BS100 (Riget Lane) between its junction with Military Road to a point approx 140 metres south of Brighstone Road

BS101 (Blind Lane) between its junction with Hoxall Lane to its junction with Brook Road

BS104 (Pitt Place Lane) between its junction with Hoxall Lane to a point approx 260 metres south of Brook Road

BS106 (Sheep Lane) between its junctions with Brook Farm Close and the Military Road.


C32A (Ashbridge Lane) between its junctions with Appleford Road and Byway SW41.


The Ford on Public Bridleway GL5a/G18 has been closed 10/01/25 as it has become unsafe to cross.  The alternative route during the period of closure will be:

Pedestrians:  Footbridge adjacent to the closed ford. 
Cyclists:  Footbridge adjacent to the closed ford but you need to lift your bike over a stile. 
Equestrians and Cyclists:   Niton Road, Public Bridleways GL9, G24 and Cridmore Lane. 

It is likely that the ford will be closed until spring 2025 before work can be done to clear deep silt from the river bed.

GL30 (Bobbestone Farm) between its junctions with Lessland Lane and Byway NC33.

GL48 (Part) between its junction with Byway V57 until its junction with Bridleway GL51 (at car parking area)


F55 between a point approx 530 metres east of its junction with Military Road to its junction with Byway BS89


NC33 (Bobberstone Farm) between its junctions with Canteen Road and Byway GL30.

NC45A (Lower Knighton Lane) between its junctions with Byway B35 and its junction with Knighton Shute / Knighton Lane.


R63 (Attrills Lane) between its junction with Byway B13 for a distance of approx 200 metres.


SS17 (Lower Hyde Estate) between its junction with Byway SS87 (Upper Hyde Lane) to its junction with Bridleways SS18A / SS89 at New Barn Lane

SS18 between its junction with Bridleways SS18A / SS89 at New Barn Lane to its junction with A3056 Newport Road, Lake

SS87 (Upper Hyde Lane) between its junction with Cliff Bridge, on the A3020 Godshill Road / Victoria Avenue to its junction with Byway SS17


SW41 (Ashbridge Lane) between its junctions with Emmett Hill and Byway C32A.

SW56 (Dungewood Lane) between its junctions with Kingston Road and its junction with Atherfield Road.


V57 between its junction with Byway V62 and itsn junction with Byway GL48

V62 between its junction with Byway V60 at Week Farm Lane to its junction with Byway V57

Footpaths and Bridleways - pedestrians, equestrians and cyclist closures


  • Public Footpath B69 (alongside railway track) will be closed from Brading Station to Marshcombe Shute between 2300 hours Friday 25th to 1200 hours Sunday 27th April 2025.  The closure is required for railway maintenance work to take place.  The alternative route will be Marshcombe Shute, New Road, Station Road and Brading Station.


  • Part of Public Footpath BB10 (Coastal Path) has been closed 20 November 2024 between Forelands Field Road and Footpath BB14.  This is because of concerns for land movement.  During the closure the alternative route will be Forelands Field Road, Howgate Road and Path BB14.


  • Public Footpath BS59/BS69 coastal path rear of the Brighstone Holiday Centre remains closed due to landslips. The alternative route will be either the Military Road verge or the footpaths BS61/62, Chilton Lane and footpath BS68 on the opposite side of the Military Road.
  • Public Footpath BS1 (part of the coastal path) has been closed, November 2023, between its junction with SW25 at Shepherd Chine and its junction with path BS2 behind the old Atherfield holiday camp due to landslips and the loss of the beach access steps. The alternative route during the period of closure will be path BS2, Military Road and path SW25.
  • Public Footpath BS58 bridge east of Grange Chine (part of the coastal path) has been closed, November 2023, between its junction with path BS17 and its junction with path BS57 at Grange Farm due to the loss of a bridge. The alternative route during the period of closure will be path BS17, Military Road and path BS57.


  • Part of Public Bridleway CB21 between Mudless Copse and bridleways BS6 & N203 at Rowridge has been closed 30 July 2024 due to surface damage. There is no nearby off road alterative.



  • Part of Public Footpath F35 at Afton Down part of the coastal path has been closed because of a void that has opened up next to the path at a very narrow steep point. The diversion will be on the opposite side of the Military Road using byway F33 and bridleway F34
  • If you decide to walk on the Military Road and its verges take extreme care and be aware at all times of oncoming traffic and traffic approaching from behind you.


  • Part of Public Footpath GL62 - (Bats Wing path) between the steps to the Church and Church Hill (the part between the garden hedges) has been closed because of a damaged retaining wall.  The alternative route will be via Church Hollow& Church Hill or the Church
  • Part of the Bridleway GL23 is closed in the interests of public safety whilst work takes place in the adjacent building site.  The alternative route will be The Dubbers, Newport Road and West Street.  The closure is anticipated to be required until the end of April 2025

Gurnard and Thorness

  • Public Footpaths CB24 / CS17 / CS16 (part of the coastal path) have been closed, November 2023, between its junction with Rew Street and its junction with path CB29 due to landslips. During the period of closure the alternative route will be Rew Street and then Public Footpaths CS3, CB23, CB1.

Nettlestone and Seaview

  • Public Footpath R89 in Priory Woods has been closed 24/09/24 due to landslips.  During the closure, please use paths R74, R84 and R85 to bypass.


  • Public Footpath N9 between Pan Lane and Home Meade has been closed whilst development work takes place at the old football ground.  The alternative route during the closure will be a bypass over private land adjacent to the closed sections of path, or if this is not available then Home Meade and Pan Lane
  • Public Bridleway N203 at Rowridge has been closed 29/11/24 because of surface damage.  The closed section of bridleway is between Rowridge Lane and bridleways BS6/CB21.  The alternative route during the period of closure will be public rights of way N198, N136a, N139, BS4 & BS6

Niton and Whitwell

  • The following Footpaths NT47, 48, 49, 50 and 51 are permanently closed under a Traffic Regulation Order because they are unsafe to use because of land slippage.  The paths will remain on the definitive map and will be periodically inspected in case of any changes to the land which would allow reinstatement. 
  • Public Footpath NT47 (Reeth Bay): closed between its junctions with Public Footpath NT42 and NT49.  No alternative route.  Please view a map of the closed section - NT47 (Reeth Bay) (PDF, 2.43MB, 1 page).
  • Public Footpath NT48 (Puckaster): closed from a point 233 metres south of St. Catherine’s Road to its junction with Public Footpath NT49.  No alternative route. Please view a map of the closed section - NT48 (Puckaster) (PDF, 2.43MB, 1 page).
  • Public Footpath NT49 (Puckaster): closed between its junctions with Public Footpaths NT47 and NT50.  No alternative route  Please view a map of the closed section - NT47 and NT50 .(PDF, 2.35MB, 1 page).
  • Public Footpath NT50 (Puckaster): closed between its junctions with A3055 Undercliff Drive and Public Footpath NT51.  No alternative route.  Please view a map of the closed section - NT50 .(PDF, 2.35MB, 1 page).
  • Public Footpath NT51 (Binnel Bay): closed between its junctions with Public Footpaths V99 and NT49.  No alternative route.  Please view a map of the closed section - NT51 .(PDF, 2.27MB, 1 page).
  • Part of Public Footpath NT38 at Castlehaven caravan park has been closed due to a landslip. To bypass the closure please use the National Trust land and Public Footpath NT40.
  • Part of Public Footpath NT46 at Castlehaven has been closed on 3 May 2024 because of an unsafe structure immediately adjacent to the path. The location of the closure is between the southwest corner of the village green and the end of the seawall behind Beach Cottage. There is no alternative route.


  • Public Footpath S3 (part of the coastal path) has been closed due to damage to the wooden boardwalks. During the closure the alternative route will be Lower Hamstead / S28, Hamstead Drive / S27 and paths S30 & S32

Shanklin and Luccombe

  • Part of Public Footpath SS2 (Coastal Path) has been closed in January 2023 due to a landslip near the Luccombe Village end.  During the closure the alternative route will be Footpath SS88 (part), signposted route over national Trust land and Footpath SS4.
  • Public Footpath SS3 (Luccombe Chine) is permanently closed pursuant to a Traffic Regulation Order from its junction with Public Footpath SS2 to the beach. This is because of land slippage. The path will remain on the definitive map and will be periodically inspected in case of any changes to the land which would allow reinstatement. Please view a map of the closed section - SS3 .(PDF, 2.07MB, 1 page)

Ventnor and Wroxall

  • Public Footpath V30 off Castle Road, Wroxall has been closed, November 2023. This is due to a landslip. During the period of closure the alternative route will be paths V31, V32 and V33.
  • Public Footpaths V65, V65c, SS2, V65a, V66, V65d, V65b, V67 all part of the Bonchurch Landslip site and coastal path have been closed, November 2023. This is due to landslips (the path called Devils Chimney V65c was already closed prior to this). There is no diversion available.
  • Public Footpath V124 has been closed between its junctions with Undercliff Drive and Public Footpaths NT51 and V99 at Binnel Bay because of a landslip. Please view a map of the closed section - Public Footpath V124; (PDF, 1.91MB, 1 page).
  • Public Footpath V65c (Devils Chimney) has been closed March 2023 due to landslip. No diversion available.
  • Public Footpath V75 has been closed due to damage to the pedestrian hand railings – the alternative route will be Bridleway V73, Inglewood Park and Footpath V76.