Leisure map

As a representation of the up to date public rights of way network, a digital leisure map is available.  However, please note that this is not a Definitive Map and must not be used in substitution of obtaining a Local Land Charges Search nor used for any other legal or formal purposes (including in connection with any planning queries or applications).  

The data is an indication of the approximate routes of public rights of way and permissive paths for recreational/leisure purposes only at a scale of 1:10,000 (being the scale at which the Definitive Map 2000 is published). 

In respect of any queries relating to the precise and legal route of a public right of way or permissive path, please contact the Public Rights of Way Service Email: rightsofway@iow.gov.uk

View the leisure Map - you can move around the map and zoom in and out, but the path numbers will be lost if you scroll in too close.  You will need to tick the box to show you understand this is NOT a definitive map before you can proceed.