Local Access Forum
Local Access Forums (LAFs) are statutorily prescribed bodies, introduced by sections 94 and 95 of the Countryside and Rights of Way (CROW) Act 2000.
Their main function is to advise their appointing authority for their area (Isle of Wight Council), as to the improvement of public access to land in that area for the purposes of open-air recreation and enjoyment.
In carrying out its functions, a LAF must have regard to the needs of land management and the desirability of conserving the natural beauty of the area for which it is established, including the flora, fauna and geological and physiographical features of the area.
Forum members are appointed by the appointing authority (Isle of Wight Council) to represent the interests of people who use the right of access to open country and registered common land, and public rights of way, as well as owners/occupiers of land affected. Members can also be appointed to represent other interests relevant to the area such as tourism, sport or nature conservation.
Members serve in a personal capacity to represent interests rather than particular organisations. The appointing authority must ensure there is a reasonable balance between user and landowners/occupier interests.
Isle of Wight Local Access Forum Meeting Dates:
The next meeting will be at Island Community Club, Park Road Cowes, but the dates for 2025 are yet to be arranged.
If you would like to be sent a link to the teams meeting or have any questions please contact the LAF Secretary by email at rightsofway@iow.gov.uk
All welcome to come and observe
If you would like to come along to a future meeting as a guest/observer or attend to give a talk to members or just have a matter raised on the agenda for discussion please contact the LAF Secretary, on 01983 821000, extension 8745 (Rights of Way at the IW Council). Or you may email on rightsofway@iow.gov.uk, please put LAF in the title of your email.
LAF Recruitment
If you have the time and would like to become an active member of the LAF (different to coming along to meeting and being an observer) in the first instance please contact the LAF Secretary (Jennine Gardiner) on rightsofway@iow.gov.uk and an application pack will be sent to you.
Agendas, minutes and annual reviews
The next meeting will be at Island Community Club, Park Road Cowes, but the dates for 2025 are yet to be arranged. Please email rightsofway@iow.gov.uk if you have any questions.
The following, are links to documents the LAF members would have had circulated to them, these have been split into headings for ease of reference.
Bridleways / Horses
Sharing Routes with Horse Riders (PDF, 4.82Mb, 29 pages) the British Horse Society (BHS).
Countryside & Rights of Way Issues
Disposal of Timber (PDF, 16.95KB, 1 page) - Isle of Wight Council, Countryside (IWC).
Trees & Hedges (PDF, 960.37KB, 2 pages) - Overhanging and obstructing Rights of Way.
Cycle Wight Cycle Strategy 2017 (PDF, 1.50MB, 24 pages) - a cycling strategy for the Isle of Wight 2017 - 2019.
Cycling on Public Footpaths (PDF, 772.39KB, 9 pages) a Cyclists Touring Club (CTC) Campaign Briefing.
Rights of Way reply to CTC Campaign (PDF, 17.14KB, 1 page) Briefing.
Dogs on your Land (PDF, 1.42Mb, 9 pages).
Dog Waste and Behavioural Change (PDF, 265.25KB, 17 pages) for dog walkers.
Walkers with Dogs (PDF, 761.69KB, 8 pages) and better management.
LAF Guidance Booklet 2007 (PDF, 707KB).
Lost Ways
Restoring Lost Routes (PDF, 755.14KB, 26 pages) by BHS.
Network Rail
Level Crossings (PDF, 392.19KB, 19 pages) - why is closure the answer?
Planning for Dog Ownership (PDF, 1.66MB, 24 pages) in new developments.
LAFs and the planning process (PDF, 146.01KB, 10 pages).
IW Rights of Way Improvement Plan 2006 (PDF 1.73MB, 68 pages).
Current LAF members
- John Heather - Land Management / NFU Mutual
- Tricia Merrifield - Equestrian / IW Bridleways Group / British Horse Society
- Alec Lawson - Cycling / Cyclewight
- John Vere Hobart - Public Rights of Way & Open Access Land user + IWALC
- Richard Grogan - Land Management, Ecology & AONB
- Michael Slater - Walking / IW Ramblers
- Mick Lyons - IWALC
- Helena Hewstone
- Alanna Higginson
Email: rightsofway@iow.gov.uk if you would like a membership application pack sent to you.