A clear focus on social and affordable rented properties

Published: 15 September 2023

House building. Getty Images

The Isle of Wight Council has taken a positive step in being able to help bring forward housing that Islanders can truly afford.

The draft Housing Affordability Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) provides clear guidance on the types of affordable housing most needed on the Island — with a clear focus on social and affordable rented properties.

The document adopted by Cabinet last night (Thursday) also explains how the affordable housing process works, from planning permission through to the occupation of homes.

During June and July this year, the council invited comments on the draft SPD which, once adopted, will be used in planning decision making.

The council received a good number of consultation responses from a wide range of people including members of the public, registered providers of affordable housing and town, parish and community councils.

Councillor Paul Fuller, Cabinet member for planning, said the SPD would provide the council with another tool to help bring about affordable housing that was right for local people.

He said: "We had a good response to the consultation and I would like to thank everyone for taking the time to respond.

"We have made changes to the document to address a number of the comments received, including more references to registered providers and the role they can play in delivering affordable housing, while also recognising the flexibility that is needed when considering the mix of different affordable homes that might be suitable in different locations.”

Councillor Ian Stephens, Cabinet member for housing, said: "Adopting the Housing Affordability SPD will help us to ensure that any affordable housing that is secured through the planning system is focused on the types of affordable homes we desperately need locally.

"The revised document also makes it clear that innovative affordable housing products that help to meet island residents needs are welcome.”

Find out more by visiting the council's website.