Winners of road safety poster competition announced

Published: 18 June 2024

A poster depicting a parody cartoon of the Beatles walking across a road, being distracted by their phones

The winners of a road safety poster competition, launched by the Isle of Wight Council in partnership with Southern Vectis and the Isle of Wight Community Rail Partnership, have been announced.

The competition, open to all secondary, sixth form and college students on the Island challenged young people to design a poster that encourages good behaviour on public transport or at the roadside.

The winners, Alice Joubert from the Island Free School and Tatiana Moloduko from the Isle of Wight College will see their artworks displayed on buses and trains, seen by thousands of people.

Zoe Stroud, Senior Marketing Executive at Southern Vectis said, "It was fantastic to see so many entries into the competition.”

“The creative flair and ideas about promoting positive behaviour while travelling on public transport and road safety was inspiring and something we hope will resonate with our bus users when they see the designs on board our buses.” 

Bobby Lock, Community Rail Manager said: “the Isle of Wight Community Rail Partnership (CRP) are thrilled to be part of this Isle of Wight Council competition to schools, highlighting responsible road and rail safety on, and around our Islands transport network, as well as road safety. 

“We look forward to seeing the winning poster design on our Island Line Trains and Southern Vectis buses and well done to all those involved for a very high standard of competition entries.”