About Island Futures

Careers advice

Our qualified careers professionals are here to help. They can work with you through these uncertain times. They are available Monday to Friday.

Island Futures provide independent information, advice and guidance. We support young people to take part in education, employment and training. In partnership with schools, the team provides independent careers advisers for students. Please contact your school careers coordinator to book an appointment.

We also help young people who are not in education, employment, or training. Island Futures offers independent advice and guidance at locations around the island.

Find out more about careers with the Isle of Wight Council

Flying Start Isle of Wight

We are excited to announce the new Flying Start Isle of Wight website. It is an extra resource to support young people across the Isle of Wight. Helping them with transitioning from year 11 to the next stage of their adventure.

Local Offer

The Local Offer brings together information that is helpful for children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), and their families.