Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan

In 2018 the Isle of Wight Council successfully applied to the Department for Transport for support to improve our walking and cycling infrastructure. The first Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) was developed for Newport and Ryde (PDF, 12.6MB, 203 pages).

As a result of the extra funding received in 2021/22 and again in 2023/24 fours areas have been assessed and LCWIPs created. This investment means Town and Parish councils are informed about their own areas and could benefit from future funding.

Latest LCWIPs

LCWIPs explained

LCWIPs are identified in the government’s strategy. They are a new strategic approach to identifying cycling and walking improvements at a local level. LCWIPs enable a long-term approach to developing local cycling and walking networks. This means local authorities can apply for capital improvement funding, when it is available.

The key outputs of LCWIPs are

  • a network plan for walking and cycling. The plan will identify preferred routes and core zones for further development
  • a prioritised programme of infrastructure improvements for future investment
  • a report which sets out the underlying analysis carried out. It also provides a narrative which supports the identified improvements and network

By taking this strategic approach to improving conditions for cycling and walking, LCWIPs will help us to

  • identify cycling and walking infrastructure improvements. For future investment in the short, medium and long term
  • ensure local planning and transport policies and strategies consider cycling and walking
  • make the case for future funding for walking and cycling infrastructure