More heritage asset advice and guidance
Planning applications that affect heritage assets
You can find reliable national advice and guidance if you are a professional or a homeowner from:
- Chartered Institute for Archaeologists (CIfA)
- Institute of Historic Building Conservation (IHBC)
- Historic England - the government's statutory adviser on the historic environment
You can also use the interactive Commercial Frontages Design Guide.
Statements of Heritage Significance
You will need to supply a Heritage Statement with a planning application or listed building consent application if a heritage asset or its setting is affected.
The statement should:
- define the significance of the heritage asset
- provide details of the proposal
- include detail proportionate to the importance of the heritage asset
- assess how the proposal will impact upon the significance
Use this guide from Historic England to help you assess Statements of Heritage Significance.
Consult the Isle of Wight Historic Environment Record (HER) as a minimum.