Health protection

The Council Public Health team works in partnership with the NHS and other health system providers. This is to ensure a number of health protection activities are promoted and meet the needs of Island residents. These include: vaccination and screening programmes, infectious disease prevention and response to emergencies that could have an impact on public health.


Apart from clean water, vaccination is the most important public health intervention in the world. The NHS vaccination guide can help you understand the vaccines offered in the UK.

On the Isle of Wight, there are lots of health professionals who are involved in vaccination. They include

  • GPs
  • practice nurses
  • midwives
  • health visitors
  • school nurses
  • community pharmacists

You can speak to them for advice relating to vaccinations that you or your family should have. This will be based on age and individual risk factors that make you more susceptible to preventable infections, these include

  • medical history
  • pregnancy
  • occupation
  • travel plans

For the routine vaccination schedule visit the NHS Choices website.

For more information about vaccinations for children this NHS Choices video talks about why vaccinations are important and safe.

Another comprehensive source of information is the Healthier Together website. This covers all vaccinations for children and young people as well as other aspects around children’s health and wellbeing.


Screening is a way of finding out if you have a higher chance of having a health problem. This means that early treatment can be offered, or information given to help you make informed decisions.

The NHS screening guide provides information and links to all screening programmes in England, including

  • screening in pregnancy
  • screening for newborn babies
  • diabetic eye screening
  • cervical screening
  • breast screening
  • bowel cancer screening
  • abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) screening

The type of programme offered to you will depend on your age, sex, or whether you have a long-term condition such as diabetes.

Screening is provided free by the NHS. Some programmes are offered by your GP, such as cervical screening. Breast screening on the Isle of Wight is available at St Mary’s Hospital, Newport.

Talk to your GP if you have any concerns about your health or have any questions about screening you are eligible for.

Infectious disease prevention

The Public Health team

  • provides advice, in line with national or local guidance, to various settings and the public on infection prevention and control (IPC)
  • supports campaigns promoting infection prevention and control activities
  • works with the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Integrated Care Board and IoW NHS Trust Infection Prevention and Control teams to prepare and respond to infectious disease outbreaks

Everybody has a role in reducing the spread of infections through simple actions and behaviours, such as handwashing.

For specific guidance on how to prevent respiratory infections spreading, see information for the public (Living Safely with COVID-19) and setting-specific guidance available for healthcare, adult social care and education settings.

Emergency response

The Public Heath Team work with Emergency Management to co-produce Council plans to prepare for incidents such as adverse weather and pandemics.. These aim to coordinate a system-wide response to minimise the public health impact of the Island’s residents.

Cold weather, heatwaves and flooding can have serious impacts for everyone. The elderly, young babies and people with certain medical conditions are more at risk. Advice and guidance during periods of adverse weather, to prevent the physical and psychological effects, are available by using the links below

Cold weather

Top tips for keeping warm

Keeping warm and well leaflet


Beat the heat poster

Beat the heat: keep cool at home checklist

Heat exhaustion and heatstroke



Public health impact of drought: advice for the public