Individual pupil school records
Can I have a copy of my school record?
In order to comply with General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR), we are only able to hold pupil records until the student turns 25 years old (or 32 years old if the student was issued with a Statement of SEN or Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP).
- If you are a former pupil of an Island school, contact the school you last attended to find out whether they still hold your records. Access to your own records is subject to The Data Protection Act.
The school reorganisation project in 2011 closed Island middle and high schools and records for their former pupils were transferred to us for archiving. If the last Island school you attended has now closed and you require access to your school records, contact us and we will find out if we still hold your records.
We are not responsible for the content of any file that we hold or whether a student file was passed over to us.
Student files do not contain exam results or copies of certificates.
If you need a copy of your certificates or results, contact the examination board. You will need to know which examination board you sat the exam with. Schools may be able to assist you with identifying which exam board was used. Further information is available on the GOV.UK website. The examination board may charge you for copies of certificates.